Cherie & Dave's Red Nose World

Cherie & Dave's Red Nose World



Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions when deciding to bring Cherie & Dave's Red Nose World to your town! (insurance, price range, space needed etc, etc.)

1. Are you insured? Yes, we are fully insured through Specialty Insurance Agency.

2. Where will you tour? All over the USA. We have been traveling by small motorhome all across the USA for 14 years.

3. How much do your shows cost? Our price ranges from $300 - $400 per show depending on how many shows are booked in your area at a time.

4. How much space do you need? While we have adjusted our shows to  perform in some really small spaces, for a comfortable showing we prefer to have the following:

Literacy Through Laughter requires 8' x 10'

Circus, Science & Silliness requires 12' x 12'

Hands-on Workshops requires 12' x 12' but with more people, more space is needed

5. Do you need a sound system? No, we bring our own music player and for larger groups a wireless microphone sound system.

6. What age groups do you perform for? While adults & children of all ages love ours shows, the main content of each specific program is geared toward a specific age range.

Literacy Through Laughter has two versions one specifically for babies & preschoolers and one that is geared toward preschool through 3rd graders.

Circus, Science & Silliness is geared toward elementary age children, while younger than elementary age children may enjoy the show they probably won't understand the optical illusion or have the coordination to balance the peacock feathers.

Hands-on Workshops all of our workshops are geared toward ages seven through adult.

7. How do I bring Cherie & Dave's Red Nose World to my town? Email us by clicking here with your city, state, date request & contact info and someone will get back to you A.S.A.P.

8. Do you need anything else? You supply the space & the audience and we will bring everything that is needed for a highly entertaining, fun, interactive show!